Comprehensive medical insurance for foreigner to stay in Czech Republic
Comprehensive medical insurance for foreigner to stay in Czech Republic

From September 20, 2023 there is changes of comprehensive medical insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic. From this date onwards foreigner allowed to buy Maxima, PVZP, ERGO and other comprehensive insurance. The Czech government has approved a new law that affects the acceptability of certain health insurance providers.
For the long term visa it is obligatory to buy comprehensive medical insurance. We do Maxima, Salvia, PVZP and Ergo comprehensive medical insurance.
This insurance covered health care services include: preventive health care, dispensary care (regular medical supervision of the patient), diagnostic care, medical care, medical rescue service and emergency service, pharmaceutical care, clinical pharmaceutical care, medical rehabilitation care, spa medical rehabilitation care, assessment activity, Nursing Care, palliative care, provision of medical preparations, food, medical devices, dental devices, transport of insured persons, health care for donors of blood, tissues and cells or organs related to their collection, health care related to pregnancy and childbirth, etc.
If you are in need of the accepted health insurance for your visa process, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to support you and ensure that you meet the necessary health insurance requirements to make a successful visa application for the Czech Republic.
20 července, 2023
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